Welcome to the Book Corner, a cozy book store that welcomes all of you with your own personal reading nook. Decorate it to make it your own and explore the nook by clicking around the room, each link brings you to a special part of the journal to accompany you with your reading sessions!
This file is a hyperlinked PDF, so the links are clickable and you're able to navigate sections easily.
I designed this for the Goodnotes app for use on the Ipad. Template pages can be duplicated for unlimited use (except for the favourite book section which is hyperlinked to the bookshelf).
(Please check your app's functionality before purchasing if you intend to use it for any other app other than Goodnotes)
Features that are included in this planner are:
-My Bookshelf | Books you’ve read
-The Treasures | Your fave books
-Current Reads | Book Log
-The Wishlist | Books you want to read
-My Quotes | Fave quotes from books
-The Radio | Curate music playlists
Book Corner | Reading Journal
- Hyperlinked PDF File
- 63 digital stickers (Individual PNGs and Sheet PNG)
- This is a DIGITAL DOWNLOAD, you WILL NOT get any physical product.
- No refunds will be offered, please ensure digital notebooks such as this will work will with your app of choice by checking its capabilities before purchasing (there is a free one available through the HappyGoodies section of my website - subscribe to get the PW)
- This planner is for PERSONAL USE ONLY. No redistributing whatsoever.